Since the education system is one of the social institutions, its development is fully predetermined by the changing needs of society, conditioned by the nature and achievements of scientific, technical and social progress. The dynamics of modern social development is characterized by rapid and profound changes in all areas of human life and activity – in science and technology, in economics and politics, in education and culture, in the organization and management of production. Education as one of the most important social institutions is also subject to constant development in accordance with the changing goals and needs of society, with the development and implementation of high technologies. At the same time, the response of educational systems to social challenges of the time does not happen automatically, but indirectly, in the process of development of public opinion and activity of teachers, public and government officials, characterized by a certain inertia.

These circumstances make it necessary to constantly search, research and monitor both general civilizational processes and the processes of functioning of educational systems in order to harmonize their basic parameters with social changes, with the leading directions and trends of scientific, technical and social progress. At the same time, such an element of education as its content usually requires the most radical modernization, since it is the content of basic education that forms the foundation and opportunities for improving the programs of training students in high school and vocational school, predetermines the level and quality of higher education. The content of vocational education directly affects the nature of development and use of productive forces of society, material and spiritual culture, the welfare of the population.

The following global trends have emerged and are clearly manifested in the world education system by the beginning of the XXI century:

1) the general aspiration to democratization of the education system, providing accessibility of education for the whole population of the country, first of all for talented young people regardless of their social origin and financial status, and continuity of stages and levels of education, is increasing;

2) the aspiration to ensure the right to education for everyone who wants it, i.e. a real opportunity and equal chances for every person to get education in an educational institution of any type and level, regardless of national and racial belonging, political views and religion, is becoming clear;

3) there is a gradual increase in the total duration and quality of preschool education and upbringing of children. As the experience of the educational systems of French-speaking European countries and the Soviet system of education testifies, preschool institutions greatly facilitate the success of all subsequent levels of education;

4) there is a noticeable increase in the efficiency of elementary school work through revision of its program and content of education, attracting to pedagogical work in it mainly graduates of universities rather than teacher training colleges;

5) The basic (basic) school is being restructured. It consists in laying the foundations of basic knowledge and skills at the same time as providing students with the widest possible opportunities for educational and professional orientation. It is characteristic that today no developed country in the world successfully combines general education of children and their high-level professional training within the walls of the school during the period of schooling;

6) the general trend in developed countries is the gradual complication of vocational education systems, the creation and use of new variants of vocational education, most of which are designed for young people aged 18-23. The tendency to expand the system of vocational education to the contingent of adults who have to change professions, as well as the rejection of too “narrow” professions or occupations, and the training of a young person in several specialties at once, the mastering of which takes place in a short time after employment, is also well noticeable;

7) schools are moving away from an orientation towards the “average” student and are becoming more interested in gifted children and young people, in the peculiarities of the discovery and development of their abilities and creative potential in the process of learning by means of education;

8) there is a search for additional resources to provide education for children with special needs, i.e. children with developmental disabilities and children with disabilities;

9) there is a gradual growth of the market of educational services and expansion of their range;

10) education is becoming a priority object of financing in all developed countries of the world, there is a realization of the prospects of investment in human capital.